

When Opportunity Knocks…in Vegas
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest My son and I found ourselves in Las Vegas for a soccer tournament recently. It was the last...

Carmageddon: Part 5
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest The transmissions were now dead on the Nova and Oldsmobile. We managed to roll both cars downhill to...

Carmageddon: Part 4
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest After doing my best Indiana Jones impression, it was my turn to drive. I hopped into the Oldsmobile...

Carmageddon: Part 3
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest It was my friend’s bachelor party, and we had just pulled onto an old logging road with a...

My Bachelor Party Story: Part 3
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest Hungover or not, we had to check out of the hotel and head home. Our headcount showed two...

My Bachelor Party Story: Part 2
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest So, I was at a club for my bachelor party. I had just taken a spill on the...

My Bachelor Party Story: Part 1
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest Years ago, I went to Vancouver, British Columbia for my bachelor party. There were quite a few of...

Carmageddon: Part 2
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest After buying the first car for my buddy’s bachelor party, we set out to find a second. Demolition...

Carmageddon: Part 1
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest Another friend was getting married, which meant another bachelor party. We gathered to brainstorm ideas for the bachelor...

Range Day Itinerary
Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on Pinterest Range Day Cost Per Person: $$ Destination: Local range and pub Group Size: Less than 10 When to...